
Marshall Mathers and I

I'm staying up late tonight. I got one week to finish SCREEN, which surprisingly ended up being a difficult and stubborn project. Starting it up, I thought it was going to be fun just to do just the pencils and having a bit more artsy approach. But so far I have to force myself to work on it. It's great when I get going and all though. Amazing at times. I find myself thinking "Im always going to draw like this for now on, this is the best". And the next second I miss my marker pens.

It will be finished in time for the deadline though. No problem.

But there is still a lot of energy between me and the fourth page from SCREEN right now. I was reaching for the ruler, but ended up spending ten minutes writing this.

Make that fifteen.

I guess i'll have some more orange juice for now. Whatever.

What's that in my speakers? The Marshall Mathers LP by Eminem.

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